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  • Incredible Color Enhancing Effect
    Carefully selected color enhancing ingredients and the scientifically blended nutrient mix help bring out the brilliant colors of your fish, rapidly!
  • A Worm-Like Stick With A Purpose
    We developed a unique stick that readily moves with the current while slowly and randomly moving through the water column like live food would.
  • A Completely Safe Live Food Alternative
    HIKARI® TROPICAL VIBRA BITES® BABY was developed to have a shape and look of a live Blood Worm, something most smaller tropical fish love. The uniquely balanced formulation offers nutrition live worms simply cannot, without the parasite or bacteria risks.
  • Unique Ingredients Offer Outstanding Taste
    The inclusion of mealworms and other carefully selected and tasty ingredients, make this a delicious offering most smaller tropical fish immediately attack time after time


Feed a small number of pellets two to three times daily. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding and always remove uneaten food after feeding period, to avoid health impacting water quality issues.

We recommend Hikari® Tropical VIBRA BITES BABY® as a daily diet for

Bettas,Guppies,Tetra,Gourami & Other Smaller Tropical Fish

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